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Exciting  New Updates

This page provides users with all the latest features, improvements, and fixes to the platform. It’s regularly updated so they can stay informed about new functionalities and enhancements, helping to improve their overall experience.

What's New
Multi Pin Feature
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Multi Pin Feature: To set up this feature, simply hover over precisely on the desired trend and left-click on a specific trend you want to highlight, and then select "Pin" from the menu that appears on the top right of the box. This will allow you to easily view several pinned items in your chart for quick reference.


Please note that the pins will refresh upon dashboard refresh or when you start to scroll down the dashboard page. 


The main use case is to show points of interest and then follow with a screenshot for distribution.



Custom Scales

Scaling allows the user to control how the graph's narrative is presented, highlighting trends in a way that best reflects the data and its significance.

For instance, if a trend occurs within a specific range (e.g., small changes over time), scaling the axis can amplify those changes, making the trend clearer to the viewer.
Conversely, if a dataset contains extreme outliers, these may stretch the axis and obscure the visibility of the main trend. Scaling the axis allows you to exclude or reduce the impact of those outliers, focusing on the core data.

Enerview offers two types of scaling: Auto Scaling and Manual Scaling

Auto   Scales

Auto Scaling automatically adjusts all the variable trends on every panel, either zooming in or out of the data so that users can detect variations or smooth data trends. By default, Auto Scaling is activated through the filter as shown below, with zoom levels of 1, 50, 100, and 500.

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Manual Scales

Manual Scaling allows the user to adjust the y-axis manually. When Manual Scaling is applied, Auto Scaling is disabled for that specific variable. The new scale is applied only to a particular well, whereas Auto Scaling from the filter menu is applied to all wells.

To use Manual Scaling, follow the instructions below: 

  1. Right-click on the graph and choose the "Custom Scales" option.

  2. A dropdown menu will appear, allowing you to select your preferred scale settings.

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